Monday, September 7, 2009

The History of TMNT-L

TMNT-L originally started in 1995 as a mailing list, in 1996 the person who ran the list left leaving it to The Shredder. Through out the years we went through some rough times, where we didn't have servers at times running it, though needed to make sure we were replying to everyone's email addresses so that the list would live.

In 1998 TMNT-L had it's first real issue, and other mailing lists were created out of spite, though TMNT-L still lived with Shredder in charge.
The mailing list of TMNT-L died when Shredder created his message board which was the Ninjaturtlesnetwork. Many originally felt like that should be the new TMNT-L, though there was only a small section decated to TMNT-L on that board. At first we were cool with that, cause it was all still TMNT.

In August 2005, the ninjaturtlesnetwork board was being switched to "" no longer a TMNT board alone, though a multi media board. Some people like this idea, though from what I heard from many people was that it wasn't what they signed up for. So when discussing about creating a new board, we decided to give TMNT-L the spot light it deserved as being the original mailing list. We knew other names were out there, and other boards. Such as the Technodrome and Mikey's TMNT forum. So in no way were we going to replace any board out there, just create a new.

After talking things out a bit, the board became in the works and on August 17th 2005, became a reality. We still make sure news is out about all of the other forums out there. "Twelve O'" has once again been changed, and is now back to being a TMNT Forum. Though it is not connected at all to the forum it once was, as Shredder started it from scratch... all the old post that many of us worked hard on are gone. So it is a new board, for us all to respect and know of as well.

Through out the years TMNT-L has a handful of people that helped make it what it is today.... supporting it all these years. So we'll like to thank those people here.

Johnathon... I don't know where you are today, though I remember when you were the one that I saw as the owner of TMNT-L, and your original site which disappeared in 1996.
Shredder... You kept TMNT-L together through a lot of rough times, and will always be a huge part of this list. As as far as I can recall you're the second longest member of TMNT-L.
Raphael... You joined TMNT-L in 1996 and ever since took a lot of huge things upon yourself... including helping make sure people's birthdays were noticed when they came up. You've always been there a huge support to TMNT-L and we can't thank you enough.
Fugitoid... Though you've come and gone with TMNT-L, you've been a big hand in helping it get a stable home where we know the stuff that we do will be at for us for years to come. Thank you so much!

There is lots of other members that have been with TMNT-L for years... some of which still post normally, some of which lurk there, some are members though not as active at all as they once were. Thanks everyone for making TMNT-L a part of your life. And hopefully this board will be around for everyone to enjoy for years to come!

Interested in checking out TMNT-L please do go to our URL at :

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